Heroin Skateboards was founded in 1998 by the incredible artist Mark "FOS" Foster. The brand soon became one of the most popular brands in the UK with its unique style and even more unique team. Heroin has now become a worldwide sensation with riders from Japan and the US joining the fold. This has allowed the brand to expand with Fos launching sister wheel brand Snot and collab with cult film Mandy. Hugely popular are the continually updated range of egg shaped boards that are regularly released. Slugger's very own team rider Dead Dave also gets his own shape and range of graphics that he has designed which we are very proud of!

Heroin Skateboards - Egg House Slippers
Heroin Skateboards Video City T Shirt - BlackHeroin Skateboards Video City T Shirt - Black
Heroin Skateboards Mutant T Shirt


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